A sociologist, an agnostic philosopher, Samuel is interested in what can be « human being » or more precisely the idea of his existence in a specific context. « I like to explore the urban being and its poisons; like a wild animal in its fauna. » The human being and his pathologies, his addictions, for him the ordeal of existence and all the adventures link to excellent sources of artistic inspiration. From his Afro-Caribbean heritage arises a particular interest for voodoo practices, the power of the object linked to its owner, the link, the symbolism, we can clearly observe a parallel between the way to express of fetishists and Samuel’s « ready-made » works.

Iconoclast poet he defines himself as a living being to the rather marginal instinct, an intellectual animal using primitive instinct.

« I think I am one of those who make peace with their unconscious. In my work, the most important is the orchestrated feeling, not the reason; sometimes, one must accept to let oneself be guided by his animal reflex, whether it is physical or mental ».

For him, transgression can be an excellent way to play with everyone’s cultural heritage, in order to dedramatize the texts and writings inscribed in the depths of our unconscious because significantly, they have nothing to do there. » Sometimes, we must a little bit free our mind by feeling, listening, sensing, and enjoying our senses without thinking. »

« Deconstructivism is one of my favorite signatures, this way of thinking…destroying everything physically in order to rebuild everything mentally, i have always been taken in admiration for the vision of chaos offered to us by unfinished construction sites or abandoned buildings, for me the end always has much more to tell than the beginning. A vertical rectangle can tell the story of an old door, while the existing one does not provide any information unless it is equipped with the infused science. This archeological-mental exercise excites the fantasies of everyone who interprets his own tale. »

Using poetry and humor, dolls, childish universe, everyday objects and african fetishes..he likes to work with dehumanization, sufering, alienation, the social evils of our time revealing a taste for self- destruction, in parallel with a flora that is also dying.